Letter To Xians
This is a joke re-write of Dr. Robert A. Morey's A Letter To Witches.


By Dr. Roberta Money

The following is a letter that Dr. Money has written to teenage Christians that she thought you might like to share with others.

I see from the crucifix you wear and all your magical charms that you believe in the power of Jesus. Perhaps you have attended a church gathering or you have participated in some faith-healing rituals. I don't know.

But so many questions fill my mind. Have you "felt Jesus in your heart" yet? Have you ever felt a power come upon you? Do you worship the one true God? Have you been baptised? Do you have a Christian name? Have you gone to communion? Are you in the front or back pews? Have you used blessed wine in your rituals? Have you ever called forth a Holy Ghost?

The reason I am writing you is that I have studied the church for thirty years and I have come to certain conclusions.

Now, I know that you will disagree with some of my conclusions because we have travelled different paths. But I have added the benefit of the testimonies of those who used prayer in the highest levels possible such as the Papacy and the S.O.J. and then have come to believe in reality and now have renounced faith.

All I ask is that you have an open mind and give serious attention to the things I now bring up. Remember an unexamined faith is a worthless faith.

I. The fact that prayer does not work.

After all the talk about the "power" that people can get from prayer, I have never known a more powerless group of people.

Many of those who use prayer are sick all the time. They go through multiple marriages. They have money problems. Their cars get flat tyres. They get their share of 'flus and colds.

Even more seriously, they cannot beat their own drug or sex addiction. They are usually in bondage and totally powerless to change their life for the better.

If prayer really worked, they would never be sick. They would win every horse race in town! They would own Wall Street by now! They would be able to maintain a successful marriage.

But the fact is, you waste a lot of money and time on prayer and are no better off. In fact, you will end up worse off.

If prayer worked, church-goers would be picking up the winning lottery numbers every week. But the fact is that when the "rubber meets the road" prayer simply does not work.

II. Their lame duck excuses as to why they are sick or why they can't keep their marriage together or why they aren't rich, are weak and feeble.

One "minister of the cloth" (a relative of mine) is sick all the time. Her husband is dying of cancer! When she boasted to me of her hands-on powers, I confronted her with the rather obvious fact that her faith did not work for her or her ex-husband. She replied that her faith will not work for herself.

But who says that you cannot heal yourself by faith? Where is it written down? And who says that your husband or wife cannot use prayer to heal you? If her faith cannot help herself or her husband, then what good is it?

I could not help but point out that she was always crying about money problems. What use is her faith if it cannot make her rich?

III. A religious world view is internally contradictory and hypocritical.

A. To say, "there are no gods but God" is to give an absolute.

B. To say, "God wills it" has been used to justify everything from faith-healing to genocide. If there are no standards, then on what grounds can they condone child abuse, Pope Innocent III, murder, etc.? They can't.

C. To say, "everything is relative" and "there is no evil," and then to turn around and say that Christianity is "not evil" is contradictory.

D. To say, "Everyone has the right to believe what they want" and then condemn non-Christians for what they believe is contradictory.

E. To say, "Do as the Bible says" and then as Christians NOT do as the Bible says is hypocritical.

F. To say, "that it is wrong to judge/condemn others," and then to judge/condemn non-Christians is contradictory.

IV. A religious view of life does not correspond to reality.

G. No belief is going to make you thin if you do not stop eating. No belief will make you rich if you do not get up and go to work.

H. The claim of modern believers that they are reviving pre-enlightenment faiths is not true historically. The rituals and beliefs of modern day disciples are of recent origin.

I. My brother in law who is in the church told me he was going to use prayer to get himself a parking space in N.Y.C. I in turn told him that I would ask the parking attendant to get me a space. He drove around for four hours before finding a place while I found one immediately and did not have to go around the block even once! His prayer was not even good enough to find him a parking space!

J. A religious view of life is a cop out and it breeds irrationality. Instead of taking responsibility for their life, those who use faith always blame "the devil" or claim that someone is using reason against them. The truth is that YOU are responsible for the choices you make in life - not God.

K. It attracts people with mental problems. Sad but true. I have seen this many, many times. The State Mental Hospitals are filled with people who were believers in prayer. It appeals to people with those kind of delusions.

L. They live in constant fear of the powers they call upon. Hence they need the occult protection of the wafers, holy water, prayers, St Christopher charms, etc.. What a terrible religion of fear!

M. If you depend upon trinkets such as crosses to protect you, you do not have any real power. To think that a stupid piece of metal or glass is going to protect you from the devil you believe in is absurd.

N. The lust for blood is evil. It has led to horrible crimes. Killing animals and people for their "religion" is wicked as well as criminal.

O. Religious belief is filthy and gross beyond words and involves child abuse, bestiality, sodomy, etc. You will never have a normal satisfying free life once you debase yourself in religious belief.

P. Prayer is for losers.

The greatest ministers always end up broke, alone, and miserable. Check to see what happend to people like Jimmy Swaggart. They were all losers.

Whenever a true Rationalist challenges them, the believers always lose.

I have challenged believers to take their best shot and they always failed. On one occasion, a church sent priests to convert me but I didn't even get a headache!

Q. While there is a lot of hate and lust in religion, there is no love. If you leave or reveal the secrets, they will try to kill you.

I helped to move a girl from Philadelphia to Florida to escape her former church friends. If they really loved her, why did they try to convert her? If she wanted to leave the group, why did they object to her doing what she wished?

R. There is no forgiveness, comfort or salvation in Jesus. There is no Saviour or God who loves and cares for you.

The church is lonely, sad, cold and sterile.

S. The Bible says that true power behind the religious arts is holy. Those who accept this are dupes of the priests.

These are just a few things that came to mind as I thought about what I have seen in thirty years of research into faith.

The Light of Truth has broken the power of prayer and has brought life, love and rationality to light through Reason. Truth is Triumphant!

The church has nothing to offer that compares with the love of Reality. Turn to Truth in repentance. Renounce your religion and the words of a myth. Burn your bible and mash your altars. Learn or spurn. Repent or remain ignorant! Reality is the answer.

Copyright 1998

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This page LAST UPDATED 19/06/1998
By Catherine L. Palmer

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